Max Temperature Graph

Using the powerful tools of CSS and HTML, this web page provides insight to a previous class activity, in which various weather results including temperature, humidity, cloudiness, and wind speed were monitored as one moved closer to and farther away from the equator. This website assembles the data to provide further insight and comparative analysis of the weather-based results.

Matplotlib was used to build a series of plots to showcase the relationships regarding several variables of weather vs. latitude. Relationships analyzed included: Temperature (F) vs. Latitude, Humidity (%) vs. Latitude, Cloudiness (%) vs. Latitude, and Wind Speed (mph) vs. Latitude.

Data and visualizations are are provided as part of the analysis, including explanations and descriptions of trends and correlations.


Latitude vs. Max Temperature
Max Temperature Graph
Latitude vs. Humidity
Humidity Graph
Latitude vs. Cloudiness
Cloudiness Graph
Latitude vs. Wind Speed
Wind Speed Graph